How Long Do Cats Stay In Heat? | All Cat Care Explained

When a female cat comes into heat, she is ready to mate. Cats are seasonal breeders, meaning that they only come into heat at certain times of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, most cats come into heat during the spring and summer months.

However, some cats may come into heat more than once a year, and some may be in heat all year round. The length of time a female cat stays in heat varies from cat to cat, but it is usually around 7-10 days. After a period of about two weeks, the cycle will start again.

how long does a cat stay in heat

How Long Do Cats Stay In Heat?

Cats are said to be “in heat” when they are sexually receptive and ready to mate. The average length of time a cat is in heat is about two to three weeks. However, some cats may stay in heat for as long as four weeks.

What is heat?

A cat in heat, also called estrus, refers to the time when a female cat is sexually receptive and able to mate. A cat can enter heat as early as four months of age, but it’s usually around six months old. Heat usually lasts between one and two weeks, but some cats may stay in heat for three weeks or longer.

The heat Cycle

The entire heat cycle lasts about two to three weeks. But a female cat will only be actually in heat, or receptive to mating, for about half that time. The stages of the heat cycle are explained below:

The Stages of Heat Cycles in Cats

1. Proestrus

The first stage of the cycle is called proestrus. During this time, the cat’s body is preparing for ovulation. Her vulva will swell and she’ll start to yowl and call for males incessantly. But she won’t allow them to mate. This phase can last anywhere from one to 10 days.

2. Estrus

Next comes estrus, when the cat is actually fertile and ready to mate. At this point, her yowling and calling will subside some, but she’ll continue to solicit males persistently. She’ll hold her tail to the side and raise her hind end when a male attempts to mate with her. Estrus usually lasts four to five days but can be as short as one day or as long as two weeks.

3. Diestrus

After estrus comes a rest period called diestrus. During diestrus, hormone levels drop sharply and fertility declines rapidly. This phase can last up to 60 days in cats that haven’t mated (called “spayed” cats) or been exposed to testosterone (found in male cats). In cats that have mated or been exposed to testosterone, diestrus lasts only about 30 days and may be followed by another estrous cycle.

4. Interestrus

It is possible for the cat to enter into interestrus if she doesn’t mate or conceive during estrus. Heats are actually produced during this period. The estrogen level in her body drops, but she does not show any signs of it. The next time she goes into heat will be in two to three weeks. During the mating season or until the cat becomes pregnant, the cat will cycle through proestrus, estrus, and interestrus.

5. Anestrus

During this time, cats go into reproductive dormancy. Neither her reproductive hormones nor her estrus cycle are active; she is not on her period. Spring and autumn are the seasons of heat cycles for feral and outdoor cats. During the longer days, the light stimulates the feline’s hormone production.

It is a fact that the queen does not go into heat during shorter days (particularly during October and January). Cats living indoors may undergo heat cycles year-round due to continuous exposure to artificial light.

How long does a female cat stay in heat?

The length of time a cat is in heat varies and can depend on several factors, including the cat’s age, health, and breed. In general, most healthy adult female cats will come into heat for about three to four days every three weeks or so. However, some cats may stay in heat for up to two weeks.

Signs that your cat is in heat

There are several signs that indicate when a cat is in heat. The most common sign is increased vocalization, or “calling.” Your cat may yowl, wail, or make other distress calls more often than usual. She may also spray urine around your home to mark her territory and attract mates.

Other signs that your cat is in heat include restless behavior, such as pacing or excessive grooming. She may also exhibit signs of affection, such as rubbing up against you more often or trying to sit on your lap.

How to care for a cat in heat

A female cat in heat will usually last for around 3 weeks. During this time, it is important to take care of her and make sure she is comfortable. Here are some tips on how to care for a cat in the heat:

  • Give her extra attention and affection. Cats in heat can be feeling insecure and lonely, so give her plenty of love and attention.
  • Keep her indoors. It is best to keep cats in heat indoors so that they do not get pregnant or contract diseases from other cats.
  • Provide her with a litter box. Make sure the litter box is clean and accessible so that she can use it when she needs to.
  • Food and water should be readily available to her. Cats in heat can have a decreased appetite, so make sure she has plenty of food and water available.

Spaying your cat

Spaying is a surgical procedure to remove the ovaries and uterus of a female cat. This completely eliminates the ability of the cat to reproduce and eliminates the heat cycles.

Most cats will go into heat (estrus) for the first time when they are around 6 months old, although some may start as early as 4 months old. Heat cycles usually last about 18 days, but can vary from 10 days to 21 days. A cat in heat will usually be called by a male cat for most of this time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How long does a cat stay in heat?

The average length of time for a cat in heat is about two to three weeks, but it can be as short as one week or as long as four weeks.

What are the signs that my cat is in heat?

The most common sign that your cat is in heat is her yowling or calling out excessively. She may also be more affectionate than usual and rub against you more. Another sign that your cat is in heat is that she will allow male cats to mount her and may even raise her rear end when they do so.

How often do cats go into heat?

Cats typically go into heat every three to four weeks from late winter until early fall. If your cat has been spayed, she will not go into heat.

Can I breed my cat if she’s in heat?

If you want to breed your cat, you’ll need to wait until she’s out of the heat. Breeding a cat while she’s in heat isn’t recommended because it can put too much stress on her body.


There is no single answer to this question as the duration of heat periods can vary from cat to cat, and also depends on individual factors such as whether the cat is spayed or not. In general, however, most cats will stay in heat for around 3-4 weeks. If you are concerned about your cat’s heat cycle, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian.

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